Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!!!

Just a quick drop in this beautiful morning to say HAPPY EASTER!!! We colored eggs yesterday. I really did not expect my boy to be into it but he was even more so than his sister. He really enjoyed it. My girl on the other hand has grown up some and was spending more time on each egg. He had already done his 9 eggs and was wanting to do hers too by the time that she had done 4 of them. As you can see, the Easter Bunny was generous to our family. The kids and my brother got their own baskets and daddy and I got one to share. We are about to get ready for church in our Easter finery and out to dinner afterwards I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Darleen said...

happy easter tracey!!!!!!

you bloggin' some pics chick!!? thanks for sharing. those are some gorgeous eggs!!!

Lorrie said...

hey girlie! Hope y'all had a wonderful Easter. We did, it was a great day at church, and then spent with family!!
Talk to you soon!!

Anonymous said...

I like your spiritual eggs. I'll have to look for those next year. We just wrote on them with the crayon, Jesus, Risen and stuff like that.

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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