Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Valentines day! a week late, lol

My New Years resolution to be more dedicated to posting on my blog has been somewhat ....well... A BUST! I look at it. I even take the time to change up the banner and colors but never seem to take the time to sit down and type an actual post. I could say that I have been busy and that would be true, BUT that is not really a good excuse because I still could find the time if I really tried. I think the main reason is that I have a boring life (which believe me, is no complaint! I'd take boring over too much drama any day!) and can't think of anything to "BLOG" about. The kids are a constant source of amusement in MY daily life but to fully explain their antics, to tell you just how funny, would just take forever. Right now, they are sleeping, and I have a cup of coffee and I am enjoying the quiet. I am sure that in less than 30 mins. the madness will begin and the day will officially START.
My girl is doing so well in 1st grade this year. I purchased her a 2nd grade workbook at Sam's club to start working on over the summer. It is not an actual workbook that we will use for school but part of this series called Brain Quest. It has a lot of stuff in it to make her think without realizing that she is actually learning. She is reading so well that we have moved to 2nd grade readers about a month ago. It still amazes me that, by the grace of God, I have taught her to read! It does give me a sense of accomplishment to realize that each of these skills that she has learned in school, she has learned from my teaching (again, by the grace of GOD!!).
I am interested to see how she does on her year end placement testing that we have do as part the requirements of the state to home school. Last year she did really well but that was kindergarten.
My little baby boy, who will soon be FOUR!!! I can not believe it!, is also doing his
"Stool Work". He still has a hard time with some sounds and that is how school work comes out.
He has his own workbook that we do so that he can learn the letters and their sounds, shapes, colors, numbers and some other things. His favorite thing to do in the workbook is the worksheets on circling what doesn't belong in a group. Even though he doesn't talk as well as my daughter did at this age, he is as smart as a whip. He takes everything in and he is getting so much better at communicating it back to us. It amazes me how he and other kids (like my daughter and niece and nephews) can remember a movie verbatim and act it out. I remember little snippets but they seem to remember it all.
Well, look at that, I actually typed a post........well gotta go, need a little more coffee before the storm comes....that's the kids in case you didn't get it.....LOL

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