Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back to Snoozerville for this girl....

After two and 1/2 weeks of full out running, we have returned to the comfort of home and Snoozerville. For the last 3 days, we have not left our own backyard. We have spent plenty of time watching movies, playing video games, playing board games and just plan veggin' out. It has been nice but I think we are done. I have cleaned, caught up on a lot of laundry and answered the 6 million questions per day that my daughter dishes out. My DH and I have seen a few good movies too. We have had "Vantage Point" and "The Bucket List" in the last week or so and they were both very good.
So, just in case you were wondering if I dropped off the face of the earth, the answer is no, I've just been to slack to blog.....


Darleen said...

enjoy snoozerville girlie!! its the life sometimes, then you'll get the itch and you'll be zooming again!!

Lorrie said...

sometimes we all need a little snoozerville.
I could use a day or week of it myself.
When the heck is that cruise again???????

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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