This has been a period of major purchases and spending for us. Last month we had to purchase a new washer and dryer and now the transmission in my DH's car needs to be replaced to the tune of $2300. I am so glad that my cruise is already paid for or else I would feel guilty about spending the money on myself when we as a family have not been able to really afford our normal vacation(s). Yes, we did get away for a weekend to go camping but that is not my idea of our normal vacation. Like I told my husband this past weekend when he was talking about how when you are backpacking, you don't carry anything more than you have too and that all the "stuff" we had to go camping was not really necessary. Now girls, let me explain backpacking in case you don't know. When you go backpacking, you take the lightest sleeping bag you can, you may take a small tent and as few other things as possible (even toilet paper is a luxury that few carry) and you hike into the woods with this on your back and sleep out in the wild. You do not shower and some people hike and stay for days at a time. This girl does NOT go backpacking!!!
So I told him that Backpacking is sleeping in the woods and going stinky, Camping is sleeping on the ground in a tent at a campground and using a public toilet and shower (the one at our campground was nice by the way), When you stay in a hotel, that's a vacation and when you go away with some of your best girls on a 4 day cruise, that's a Great Vacation!
Now going somewhere like Disney with your family is a great vacation too but since I can't do both, this year the cruise is what I am really looking forward to. Hopefully when all these extra expenses are over and paid for this year, my DH and the kids will still have their vacation too (they are hoping to go to Florida too while I am on my cruise).
I am so thankful to God though that giving up vacation is the biggest financial worry we have with all the people out there having to decide between putting gas in their cars or paying their mortgages or feeding their families. I complain about sleeping in a tent for 2 days and people are living in their cars wondering where their next meal will come from....Ok, complaint withdrawn, I am blessed......