Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brownie's going for his first sleepover with the cousins

I have just been hit like a ton of bricks with all that I need to accomplish before the wilderness train rolls out on Friday morning. I have truly tried to totally avoid facing this upcoming weekend in my mind and have not prepared at all. My dh kind of organized it and he being of the male persuasion has left some real big gaps in the "Planning" process. I have to clean up Brownie's cage and get him ready for his first sleepover with the cousins and then deliver him to their house. The "Mean One" has promised to come to the door with a frying pan in hand.....EWWWWWWW!!! After I calm down my daughter and convincing her that Uncle K is NOT going to eat him, Brownie will be staying for the weekend. I have to pack for us including towels and bedding and all that good stuff and make sure we forget nothing that we can't live with out in the woods. (Like Clorox wipes and toilet paper....) I have to make sure that we have matches, charcoal and aluminum foil to cover the "grill" since I have a hard time putting food on a grill in the woods....EWWWWW!!! Can you tell that I am not the outdoorsy ruffin' it girl? I have located and purchased a battery operated FAN so that I can at least cool off when I am sleeping. I have no idea what we will be eating while we are there but can put that off until we hit the Walmart about 15 mins. from the campsite. I am feeling the pressure right about now....What if it rains all weekend? What if a snake comes into the tent? Anyone got a chill pill I can take? .......


Lorrie said...

Nothing better than a xanax girl... one is coming your way!!

Oh, and I wouldn't be worried about the snakes. It's the bears that scare me.
Have fun. Stay out of the poison ivy.
Have fun. Wish I were going, but I wasn't invited. (LOL!)

Darleen said...

what if a bear nibbles on your tootsies while you sleep???

JK! you'll be fine. stop stressing, you'll have a great time. Hey, @ least your not "planning & preparing" for storm induced power outages. Now that is super stinky!! I'm still in denial mode of the possibility.

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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