Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The neighbors think I'm nuts (this time for a new reason)

Ok, this morning I was reading my peep Lorrie's blog (A really good read, you should check it out! Here's the link and it brought the following post to mind.
My neighbors think I have lost my mind, I am sure! For the last few weeks, at least once per day, you can find me in my back yard walking around a small tree, with my head down looking at the ground and pushing leaves aside with my shoe. I even occasionally shake the tree, which I am sure looks crazy! I have even seen my neighbor two doors over watching me with a perplexed look on her face. You see, I am not crazy (well I AM but not for that reason). The tree is a pecan tree and this is the very first year that it has produced nuts. It is still reasonably small for a pecan tree (only about 20 feet tall) and it is still small enough to shake. The leaves have all fallen off but for some reason the nuts are still hanging on. I am determined to use my very own pecans this year for baking but they are just not falling fast enough. I now have a pretty good sized bowl full of them and need to shell them for my sweet potato souffle that my family requests every year.
So if you come by my house and find me in the back yard shaking a tree, I have not finally gone off the deep end (hopefully), I just need more nuts for a pecan pie......

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

Girl, your neighbors are right... YOU ARE "NUTS"! hehe. Happy Thanksgiving!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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