Saturday, November 15, 2008

Real professionals, thats what they are!

How many times have I told my two kids, "I told you not to do that, if you get hurt, I'm not going to feel sorry for you!" or "Don't come running to me when you get hurt doing that!" But you know what, they still come running to you because they KNOW you ARE going to feel sorry for them.
And why? Because they are professional kids! They have trained 24 hours a day from the moment they born....or maybe even conceived. Kids know that no matter what YOU say, if they are hurt or need something, you will come running. They have trained you well. You are pawns in their little scheme of world domination.....Do I sound paranoid? Am I losing it? Probably! But don't discount the message.
Right this moment, as I type, my kids are doing something totally reckless and one or both of them will almost assuredly get hurt in some way. Now I don't mean the major kind of injury that sends you to the ER or doctor, just a "Boo-Boo" that has them crying like little Indian warriors about to attack. You know that cry, the one that is much louder than the actual injury requires. And I am sure, that regardless of my warnings to stop, I will indeed be sympathetic and get them a band aid to cover that slightly red but not even bleeding patch of skin that has said "Boo-Boo".
Professional children are amazing actors and negotiators and so much more. Somewhere in the 20 or so years that it takes us to become adults (I do NOT believe that it happens in 18 as the law says), we lose some of this skill or at least most of us do. So don't feel bad when you are manipulate by your child, after all they ARE professionals.

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

Yep, got me one of those said "professionals" myself.
Cute post!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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