Friday, October 24, 2008

Daddy's back! Yay!

My poor husband had to leave first thing Monday morning for a 7 hour drive to PA after just spending the previous two days driving home from Florida. He had a conference for work that just happened to coincide with our return from vacation. He was there for 4 days and had to drive back yesterday. He was one tired camper last night. I don't know how professional truck drivers do it. I would hate spending all that time behind the wheel. He met Lady Lulu Belle for the first time and won't admit to it but I think he likes her. He says he doesn't like the name but its here to stay so he will have to adjust.

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

glad dh is finally home. Now YOU might get a chance to rest and recover, with a little help!
You feeling any better yet?

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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