Thursday, October 2, 2008

Somebody stop the boat, I want to get off....

I guess I am getting a early taste of seasickness yesterday and today. I have had a headache and chest cough for a week now and yesterday I started getting so dizzy and nauseated that I could hardly stand to sit up. I went to the doctor today and got some antibiotics for the suspected culprit, a sinus infection. I say suspected culprit because she did not see the obvious signs of a sinus infection but I did have fluid in my ears and with the headache and nausea, she said it was most likely the problem. You've gotta love when a doctor "GUESSES" at your diagnosis. Anyway, I am still so nauseated that I could not even drive myself today. I got my seasick patch prescription filled today while I was getting my other meds. I am tempted to put one on now to see if it would help with this......
We also took my baby to the doctor today too to check out a patch of skin that was staying irritated. $100 in doctor and prescription co-pays later, we returned home. I am really thankful that we have insurance and that it is fairly good because it truly scares me to think what it would have cost otherwise. Well, that has been a day in the life of ME. I am praying to be all well by next week, you know, when I leave for the actual boat trip. Oh and the DH put a stop to the puppy madness that had taken over. He reminded me of how little actual money we had after all the stuff we have had to get this summer. He said he did not mind the idea of the actual puppy, it was just the expense right now. I guess my baby girl is going to have to wait a little longer.

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

Ok sweetie -- you gotta hurry up and get better soon, ok? Can't have you being all sick while on the trip!
Oh, and sorry about the puppy love thing, cause that was a cutie patootie

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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