Saturday, January 10, 2009

Its Saturday again and the dreaded SWIM MEET day too!

Has your child ever been involved in a sport or activity that you just dreaded attending? I know I have whined over and over again about how much I hate swim meets but it bears repeating. I can think of no other sport that have to arrive at 12:45 and may not actually get to leave until after 6 pm. It is an all day event that is so unorganized that it actually give me a headache and almost sends my slightly anal, type A personality into seizures. My husband, who is definitely a type B personality, just goes with the flow and enjoys them. I am not alone in my frustration though. My SIL did not heed my warnings last year and signed my niece up for the swim team at the YMCA in her area this year. She now shares in my torture. Today, my daughter's team will swim against my niece's team at our Y. It will be a long day, but slightly more bearable in the fact that it will be spent with family.
I was bummed, however, to learn that my husband's office had there annual NOT Christmas party tonight. We normally attend this "Winter Gala" or so they call it (my husband's company is owned by Hindu's from India and therefore do not celebrate any of the holiday's that we do) and it is always a nice semi-formal event with great food and nice door prizes. We will not be able to make it this year because it starts at 5:00 and we will not be done with the swim meet until almost 6 IF it starts on time (which they never do).
Well, that is my Saturday plans. Hope yours are better!

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My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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