Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What happens at home, should stay at home......

Well, you expect it to happen when you are a parent and on Sunday it happened for me. My DD went to church and told her Sunday school teacher that her mommy calls our new puppy "The Devil". .....Well, let me explain....I love our little Lulubelle dearly but she is a definite, little Devil. All during the month of December, she used the far corner in the back, way under our Christmas tree to go hide and leave "little packages", she goes into the kids toy box to get toys to chew up and I had to go and buy lids for the little plastic bins to keep her out, she will go outside for 20 mins to play and then come in and "tinkle" on the carpet, she is constantly chewing on our fingers, toes, whatever she can find....but I would not trade her for anything. She is one of my babies now and I love her but like my kids, I teasingly call her names. I call her her a Stinker and Lulu Ka Choo and Houdini (for her uncanny ability to escape from her crate unless it is padlocked) and yes...I call her the Devil when she goes out of her way to do something totally BAD. Actually, my DH started calling her that first and not quite as lovingly as I do, but instead of telling her teacher that DADDY calls the puppy "The Devil", she said that Mommy does! I wasn't even there to defend myself!
Did that man of mine defend me?!!! Oh No! He laughed! I guess I should be glad that she didn't go and tell the teacher that her mommy calls her daddy Spankybuns....which I DON'T by the way but still.................................

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My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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