Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas ornaments that play sound bytes.....Why oh why?

Good morning all of the three of you who read my blog daily. This morning's whine (so get your cheese out for a tasty snack) is about my Christmas decorations. Must be the season cause I just read my peachy friend's blog and she is talking about the same subject. This is my rant. Over the last 6 years we have purchased a lot of Hallmark ornaments. Each year we get both of our kids one that tells where they were that year in their likes. You know that most of the Hallmark ornaments have lights or sound or something and it seems that 99% of ours do. Our daughter has had a love affair with Rudolph the red nose reindeer for several years now and we have now 6 ornaments with sound bytes from the movie. My husband loved The Phantom of the Opera and it was one of our first dates so we have a ornament with a scene from that and it has a sound byte and we have a few others like this also. We also have several dancing, singing stuffed animals and stockings. My kids favorite pastime this last 3 days has been pushing every button on every decoration and creating a symphony of music. Gotta love it. In addition to the normal insanity of life with 2 young kids (the running, the jumping, the singing, the fighting, the endless array of Disney movies on the DVD player and the endless array of noisy, beeping, singing toys) we have added in the last 3 days the noise from these decorations and the occasional squealing of a guinea pig. I feel like I am on sensory overload. I hear these songs and other noises in my sleep, I sing them in the showers, I even sing them while using the "potty" ( I know, TMI!) I bet if my life was a sitcom with a theme song it would be one of these sound bytes. We have also gone through a resurgence of the Veggie Tales videos. My two year old has discovered them and really loves a particular one with a lot of different songs on it. He wants to watch it over and over. He loves the song "Modern Major General" (I'm not sure if that is the official name but if you know the song you would recognize this). It is a song that is highly repetitive and very fast beat. Can a mom get a moment of silence? You know, when I was in school, I hated it when we had to have a moment of silence every morning after the pledge. It was the longest "moment" of the day. I would pay major denaro for a moment of silence now that I am a mom. OK, that is all of the whine I have today. Thank you for listening (or reading I should say).
Have a blessed day!


Darleen said...

Enjoy them while they are young and they are making music and you are not listening to the sarcasm of teenagers and the fighting amongst the siblings. There are worst sounds to hear, I crave the days of Veggie Tales...Darleen

Lorrie said...

I'm sorry. <---- {sitting in complete silence, smiling>}
Darleens comment makes sense though. Some day we'll miss the sounds of our young babies. I'd take the sounds of a veggie tale movie over a sassy teen anyday!! NO offense Darleenie! lol.

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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