Wednesday, November 21, 2007


There are so many things that I am thankful for and this is just the short list.
1. My God and His mercy that I get the blessings He has given and not the ones I deserve.
2. My husband and kids and again that I got the ones He gave me not the ones I deserve (LOL)
3. My family and the my husband's family. I got the best set of "in-laws" available and hopefully will have one more in the future..... I love my "Mom" and "Dad" and my other brothers and sister.
I love my niece and nephews like my own kids only they don't interfere with my sleep so that makes them even better.
4. My Gangsta peeps (you know who you are) and the other wonderful ladies that have been my friends for many years. I thank God that each and every one of you have been brought into my life and I love all of you.
5. My country, because with all of its problems, I would not live anywhere else. I pray that this is always the case since the citizens of this great country seemed determined to drive God out of it.
6. My home and the fact that we have what we need if not always what we want.
7. My husband's job and the fact that he has one.
Like I said this is the short list but I think it covers most of the biggies.
I hope that everyone that has bothered to stop by and read this has a wonderful Thanksgiving and gets to be with the ones they love.
God Bless

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