Friday, November 30, 2007

The snots-a-flying in my house.....

Isn't that a good title? Doesn't it make you want to read? No?.... well DO IT ANYWAY!!! You gotta love it when your kids get colds. At 5 and 2 years, my two darlings are still learning the finer points of "cold etiquette" My 5 year is much better but she also has that being a girl thing going for her and doesn't like being "Icky" but my boy is just not getting it. He sneezes and a big ole nasty wad of gooey, icky, slimy mucus flies out and lands.....Wherever it darn well wants too. (Did my very descriptive adjectives give you the mental picture? BTW, its not green, Thank GOD!) As a parent, you have to hope you are present to hear or see the sneeze so you know where to run with the tissue and Clorox wipes (tissue for the kid and wipes for the target). There is nothing worse than not knowing about the flying projectile until you actually put your hand in it later.
These are the memories that last a lifetime........hmmmm.....You gotta love motherhood!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
UGH. Gag. Ewwwwwww.

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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