Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have been told by several people that they could not post comments on my blog and now one person has said that they can't even view the existing comments any longer. I thought it was strictly due to a conflict between their web browser and blogspot but was told today that the same person can still see and even post comments on other blogs so I have tried to tweak my settings to fix this. I am not sure if it worked so if you read my blog, please just post a comment today to say you stopped by and was able to comment and if you still can't post comment or even see them, please email me and let me know this did not work. I am no computer genius so I am doing my best to figure this out.


Lorrie said...

you'll do ANYTHING to get comments won't you.
Pretending that there is some kind of comment issues.
Really? Just beg why don't ya??????????

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's working now!! You're sooo smart. Really.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! You fixed it. I have not been able to view comments for a long time. -jewel dawg

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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