Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And now for the 2nd Installment of our Brownzilla series...

After his recent rampage on Lincolntown and subsequent escape in his spherical spaceship, Brownzilla was tracked down by the citizens of the destroyed town and captured.

After serving his time and making restitution to the good citizens of Lincolntown, the rehabilitated Brownzilla left his log prison promising to no longer live a life of wanton wood destruction. He traded his spherical space ship for a late model convertible sports car and decided to hit the town "Thelma and Louise" style.

He hit the road and when asked where he was headed he chirped, I'm going to Disney World!
I hear girls dig rodents there! Oh...and I may make a stop in Florgia to clean up a scrap booking corner.....
He then looked right at the Petparazzi and winked and squeaked "I'LL BE BACK..."


Paint Porridge said...
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Hartman said...

YEAH!! More Brownzilla...keep them coming.

Darleen said...

I am loving this!! I could not wait to get on your blog this AM to find out what was up with Brownzilla after your "tease" on my blog yesterday!!!! Keep em' coming, do we not have a life or what????????????

Lorrie said...

poor little brownie... is that pet abuse??? hehe.
I love the one of him in the mickey ears. to dang cute!!!!!!

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