Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Its back to reality for this Home Schooler....

Today is our first day back to school after Christmas break. We need to get started but my girl is still coughing pretty bad and sounds congested so we are going to the doctor today too. We are actually changing doctors due to new health insurance, sore subject for me but I digress, and now we will be going to the Children's clinic again. My girl use to go there a few years ago but we switched her over to our family doctor and he is all she remembers. She loves him and he does a great job in making sure she feels loved in return. I don't know if he truly does because I am sure he sees tons of patients but he has a great bedside manner and really makes every patient feel special. The pediatrician at the children's clinic had no bedside manner. He was so dry and uninvolved and didn't even bother to look at the chart to call the child by name. We do not plan on seeing him again and hope that the new one is more like Dr. H. She also needs to get allergy testing done and I need to talk to him about that. She is terrified of needles so I wonder if they can give her something to sedate her before doing tests. I also need to discuss other options for controlling her asthma. So much to discuss in one visit. I hope I remember it all. We are thinking that Brownie is the cause of her having bronchitis since October. He has only been here since November but she had just gotten over it and it started again as soon as he came and even though she took the medicine she has never gotten better. If we give Brownie away, I want to be able to get a puppy but my DH has made the stipulation that we must make sure she is not allergic to them first. He is right because I think we all would get attached to a puppy really quickly and they also cost a lot of money (since I want a yorkie). Anyway, that is my day today.
Here is an update on my friend's daughter. I spoke to her yesterday and she had wonderful news. The pathologist that was biopsying the lymphnode said that after 24 hours, there was no sign of the PTLP disorder and that it looked to be a fungal infection instead. That was an awesome answer to prayer. The infection would be easily treatable. They would find out for sure yesterday and I have not been able to talk to her since but I am pretty sure if anything had changed for the worse, she would have called. So it looks like she may be able to come home soon. Thank you for your prayers!
Have a blessed day!!


Hartman said...

That is wonderful new....thank you God!!

Anonymous said...

You should check out for info on yorkies with small children before getting one. They are so fragile and can be easily hurt.
Ken and I now have a second yorkie,Coco. she is a blast.


My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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