Saturday, January 5, 2008

I almost forgot to blog today.....Did yiou miss me?

If I forgot to make a post one day, would you miss me? I went to lunch today with my "peeps" and then got groceries. What a mistake! The Walmart that I went to was INSANE! I was so glad to get out of there. I also went to one of my favorite stores since I was nearby. I like Trader Joe's. They have such neat things and the shoppers are such a different sort than your normal Wallyworld nuts (don't flame up on me people, I myself am a wallyworld NUT!) Your normal Trader Joe's shopper is young, hip and very "Green". They buy cute little canvas bags to carry their groceries home in and bring them back every week for their purchases. They buy all organic fruits and veggies and spend hours picking out just the right wine to go with their cous cous and farm raised mahi mahi. Their kids are all begging for fresh artichokes for dinner instead of Skittles. They are so stinkin CUTE!!!! I just love people watching. Anywho, I just bought some milk and some Chai Latte (I so love that stuff) and finished up with the rest of the nuts across the street. One day I'm going to be too cool for Wally world!!! I am going to be a full time TJ shopper who picks up that little bouquet of wildflowers at the register to take home with my artichoke, farm raised mahi mahi, cous cous and ......well...PEPSI ( I will never be cool enough to give up my Pepsi.)!
Have a blessed day!


Hartman said...

Good one today!!

Anonymous said...

I want you to know that I have a Trader Joe's bag!! I too want to be a hip TJ shopper. LOL. I like shopping there too.
Karen Q.

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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