Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm no political pundit, but......

I know that it is my responsibility as a loyal American, and I am, to educate myself on the stands, beliefs and voting record of each candidate for president and make an informed vote (actually 2 in the next 11 mos). I do take this responsibility seriously so please do not mistake the comments to follow as disregard for that duty. Here is my morning whine....do I really need to see each and every debate, all of the commentaries on the debates, each of the news shows about the upcoming votes and the news shows about the status of the primaries. My DH has taken it on as his personal mission to become THE most informed American in the country and therefore, I am being dragged along for "the ride". I am not a shallow person (I don't think) but I can only watch these things so much before I just lose it. If I have to see another commentary on whether Hillary's tears were real or just a political ploy, on whether John Edwards is being too mean to her, on whether Barak (forgive me, I don't know how he spells his first name) has enough experience to accomplish what he wants to do, and whether Mike Huckabee (who has not been a Baptist pastor for over 12 years) is "too religious" to be a good president, I may just scream. Can a person become so informed that they become too turned off by all of them and just not vote at all? I dont think I can do this for the next 11 months until the election. I love my dh dearly but his need to be informed is killing me. I know we will take a break for "March Madness" which is another source of frustration, but enough is enough....Ok guys, that is all the whine I have this morning, better go get the cheese out of the fridge.
Have a blessed day!


Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

Amen sister...maybe you should watch and give me the skinny and save me the time. LOL

Lorrie said...

soooo, I guess when the time comes to vote, I'll just call you and talk to you your dh to get all the scoop huh? Cause I'm avoiding all the political mumbo jumbo like the plague right now.....

Anonymous said...

WE need to get your DH and my DS, the oldest, together. He's so into all this and wants to talk about it all the time. I try hard for him not to turn into white noise. For a teenager he's very political and conservative. Do you know he can vote in the primary even though he's not quite 18 yet. ha.

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