My SIL and I were talking yesterday and we were discussing the fact that we had changed doctors for the kids. My DD and DS have gone to Dr. H for 3 years now (Well since he is 2 1/2 that is how long he has gone there but you get the point) and love him. We had to change the first of the year and went back to a local pediatric practice. We left there when DD was 2 years and they refused to give her the flu shot that we had made an appointment to get. We were typical first child parents and felt that with her tendency to get bronchitis and the fact that she had flu shots since she was 6 mos old, she HAD to have one. The pediatrician's office said that they were only going to give it to "High Risk" patients and donated the rest of their supply to other offices that were short. To me that was crazy, we had an appointment and the CDC said that any child under age 5 was high risk. Our family practice doctor, Dr. H, was giving them to everyone in his practice and so we switched her over. From that day on the entire family went to him. Now I have gotten off the subject but I know some of you wonder why they weren't seeing a pediatrician before.
Anyway back to the subject at hand, DD saw the new doctor, Dr. G, on the 2nd of January and I was telling my SIL how much she liked him and that there was only one problem...Dr. G did not have a "Treasure Box" and this was close to being a deal breaker for her (and I am sure my son too if he could tell me). She said that she could not go to a doctor that didn't let her pick a prize every time she entered the door (regardless of whether she was actually being seen). My SIL and I were discussing the fact that neither of us had EVER gotten to pick a "PRIZE" after seeing a doctor. It was like "Here's your shot in the butt, that's your prize" "Here's the nastiest medicine combination we can possible come up with, take it and be happy about it!". We never had pharmacies that offered to custom flavor your medication to make it more palatable. When we went to the dentist they didn't put cool sunglasses on us, clean our teeth with "The Tooth Tickler" and let us pick out a sticker and cool prize. Now the dentist did let us chew up those cool purple pills that turned our teeth reddish purple to show the plaque and tell us to brush til we got all of it off. The also put that great tasting (to me at the time) grape fluoride tray in our mouth that you could let drain down your throat and then the minute you set foot out their door, you threw up immediately. If they didn't want you to swallow it, why make it taste like grape candy! Are doctors and dentists making our kids soft? Should we go to the doctors and dentists and tell them our kids need to toughen up so stop being so nice? Nah...but I will tell my DD and DS that they're going to have to build a bridge (and get over it!) about the missing "Treasure Box" at their new doctors office. Guess the only thing they can look forward to now is cavities and cleanings!
Have a blessed day!
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My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood
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- My deepest apologies to .....
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- Has this ever happened to you?
- Ok, I have discovered that TODAY is my Monday.
- Is it Monday? Again.
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- And now for the 2nd Installment of our Brownzilla ...
- Question? Did you get to pick from the "Treasure ...
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- A now for a short story "Attack of Brownzilla!!!"
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- I almost forgot to blog today.....Did yiou miss me?
- Thank God its Friday.......
- Baby its cold outside.....
- Its back to reality for this Home Schooler....
- Happy New Year!!!!
my take is this: we are living in a country where there is always something for nothing and we are teaching our kids that: no treasure box, no problem. In school, our kids are getting stickers and treats and treasure box picks just for not picking their noses, its ridiculous. Life is life, its not one big treasure box pick after another. Yep, I'm a little narcastic today. don't worry, my mood will change tomorrow.
I hate that treasure chest...all of the tacky little toys/rings/planes get stuck down in between my seats in the car and they are a pain in the butt to retrieve! I say boycott the treasure chest.
We managed to walk out of dr.s office without a backward glance today. Maybe it comes with their age. They realize just how worthless those stickers and plastic rings really are.
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