Sunday, January 6, 2008

Migraines and kids just don't mix!!!

This morning I woke up with a stinkin migraine. I just want to bury myself in a cool, dark, quiet place and close my eyes and lay as still as possible. First of all my DH is home so there is NO cool place in my home (except maybe our garage classroom but there is no where to lay down there so....). I swear he is the only man I know who wants it to be 78 degrees inside a house at all times. Most women complain that their guy freezes them out of the house but mine keeps it warm enough to go naked if I wanted to (believe me I DON'T). Second of all we have white mini blinds and valances throughout our house so on a beautiful sunny day, the only dark place is a closet or again our garage but sadly, again NO BED!! Finally, the quiet place? Well you can imagine that with a five year old and a two year old, QUIET is not an option in our house. I went up to my room and they keep coming and knocking on the door. Momma can you do this? Momma can you do that? Momma can you get me _______ (you fill in the blank)? Never mind that their daddy is right downstairs with them. They haul their cute little hienies up those stairs to ask me for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming my husband for this because its not like they ask him and then go to me. They just head up those stairs, even though he's told them to let me rest, and bang on the locked door (the door was originally unlocked but then they just came in and stared at me until I noticed the breathing and opened my eyes). They also feel the need to tell me every time that the door is locked as if I don't know. When I finally gave up at
11 am. They yell "MOMMA"S BETTER!!!" I yell "NO SHE'S NOT!!!", just kidding, I didn't do that. Anyway, NO, migraines and kids just don't mix.....


Darleen said...

I feel your pain sister, I feel your pain!!!

Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

So sorry....I know exactly how you feel. Hope it's better soon.

Lorrie said...

poor thing! I get so mad when DNK keeps running right past DH to get ME to do something for her, when I'm already busy, and dh is sitting like a bump on a log...
Why is that anyway?

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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