Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A now for a short story "Attack of Brownzilla!!!"

It was a beautiful, warm January day in Lincolnville, a sleepy little log cabin town!
The town was quiet and all was well until out of nowhere a circular spaceship landed
in the center of town. And from that spaceship emerged the most horrendous, alien beast.....BROWNZILLA!!!
In just minutes the entire town was demolished (and possibly chewed on) by the fiendish beast.
Brownzilla then made his hasty escape in the round, practically invisible spaceship that he arrived on, leaving the citizens of Lincolnville to wonder "Will there be a sequel?"
The END!!!


Lorrie said...

you really need to get out more often girl!

Hartman said...

Good one....send a sequel.

Anonymous said...

A day your kids will remember when they grow up!!!


Darleen said...

how fun!! I really enjoyed your mini-saga!

Anonymous said...

Do we have to wait until next season for "Season 2"? (What fun) Makes we want to go out and but a set of Lincoln Logs. Where did you get them?

Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

You have lost it..but what a fun mommy you are!!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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