We have had several calls about how we fared with yesterday's tornadoes. We were not even aware of the fact that we were under a watch. We were so wrapped up in taking care of my DS and cleaning up all the dirty laundry from his virus that we did not even know it was going on until my sister called to ask how we were. She said that tornadoes had touched down near us. The city that was hit is right next to ours but the actual areas that were hit are about 15-20 mins. from our house. We did not even have strong winds in our area or severe rain. My BIL on the other hand and his future BIL have condos near some of the areas that were hardest hit. His future FIL and MIL have a brand new house (they have not even fully moved in yet) in another area that had damage. Fortunately it appears their homes were spared too but homes a not even 1/2 mile away were hit. Tornadoes are really crazy things. They can devastate an entire town but leave one house totally undamaged.
So far there seems to be no signs of the virus in the rest of our family and my son is totally back to his 2 year old self. My dh took my DD and niece and oldest nephew to a special service at church on Sunday evening with an evangelist group called "Team Impact". They are a group of former athletes and bodybuilders that perform acts of strength and use it to reach the unsaved with their testimonies and preaching a message of salvation. She was very "impacted" by the acts of force. She is now wanting to try to break blocks of wood and ice (where on earth would you buy a block of ice nowdays?) with her head. Lovely quality in a little lady....On the other hand, maybe that will keep the guys at bay.....
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Update on my boy
Whew! What a day for my little man. He was so sick from about 6:30 to about 3:30 pm today.
Then he got up, asked for some potato chips (he got saltine crackers) and some juice (he got ginger ale) and has not stopped eating since. He has been playing and jumping and laughing like he was never even sick. Whatever it was, it passed quick, PRAISE THE LORD! Now I am just keep my fingers crossed and praying that the rest of us don't get it. Right now, he is sitting with me and getting his evening milk before bed. I know we shouldn't give it to him but his sister got hers and he just cried and begged for it so hopefully his is truly over it.
Then he got up, asked for some potato chips (he got saltine crackers) and some juice (he got ginger ale) and has not stopped eating since. He has been playing and jumping and laughing like he was never even sick. Whatever it was, it passed quick, PRAISE THE LORD! Now I am just keep my fingers crossed and praying that the rest of us don't get it. Right now, he is sitting with me and getting his evening milk before bed. I know we shouldn't give it to him but his sister got hers and he just cried and begged for it so hopefully his is truly over it.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate vomit?
Isn't THAT a lovely title? My baby boy woke up this morning and promptly did exactly that. Then daddy cleaned him up and put him in bed with me (which is when I found out about it). He lay in bed with me for a minute and then proceeded to throw up all over me, him and the bed. I had to clean him, clean me and strip the bed. Then we went downstairs armed with towels and covers for the couch and got a bucket...and he proceed to wet everything down again. I now have 6-7 extra loads of laundry, a sick baby boy who doesn't understand and I am feeling kind of queasy myself (this I am not sure if is real or just mental from the smell and sight of things.). What a fun way to start off a rainy dreary Monday morning. I feel so bad for my baby. He is so empty but still feels the need to heave. I just want him to have an hour or two of heave free rest and pray that this is a one day thing.
Seems like the only time I get on here to blog lately, its to complain. Actually I am very thankful that my girl doesn't have (and I pray she doesnt get it!) and that my kids have not gone through this very often in their lives. It just hurts a mom so bad to see her babies sick like that.
Well, I better get going I need to go do some more laundry and change clothes yet again.
Have a blessed day!
Seems like the only time I get on here to blog lately, its to complain. Actually I am very thankful that my girl doesn't have (and I pray she doesnt get it!) and that my kids have not gone through this very often in their lives. It just hurts a mom so bad to see her babies sick like that.
Well, I better get going I need to go do some more laundry and change clothes yet again.
Have a blessed day!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Me Time.....
Its 11:30 pm on Saturday night. Everyone is gone to bed. The dishwasher is running and its just ME! I have a glass of tea (decaf), my laptop and I am having Me time. Today has been a crazy one. We got up early, and I did some quick cleaning and made the beds and did some laundry. Then we went to Lowes for some household stuff and yard stuff. Afterwards my dh went one way and the kids and I went back home for some lunch and to begin working on the flower beds. We were expecting my sweet niece and nephews and their mommy later so the kids were just dying for 4:00 to get here. Meanwhile the little girl across the street came over (again after inviting herself) and played with my kids, constantly asking to go inside to play instead. I finally had a good excuse to take her back home when my SIL got here. Then we had a completely wonderful madhouse until just about 10:30 when they left and we got the kids to bed. Now everything is picked up and the house is QUIET and I am just loving the ME time.
I just love my niece and nephews. They are such great kids and my kids adore them. It is such a joy whenever they get together and just play and laugh. They very rarely fight or argue until it just gets so late that everyone is getting a little grumpy. But even then, no one is ready to say goodbye. As a matter of fact, they draw it out as long as possible.
Well that was our day, Hope yours was a great one too!
I just love my niece and nephews. They are such great kids and my kids adore them. It is such a joy whenever they get together and just play and laugh. They very rarely fight or argue until it just gets so late that everyone is getting a little grumpy. But even then, no one is ready to say goodbye. As a matter of fact, they draw it out as long as possible.
Well that was our day, Hope yours was a great one too!
Friday, April 25, 2008
FYI Alert! Are you having a problem posting comments on my blog?
Hi guys! It has been brought to my attention by my SIL and one of my peeps that some people can not post comments on my blog or even click on the comments to read what other people have said. I have not done anything new to my blog to cause this and after some research (thanks to my SIL) it has something to do with which internet browser you are using. Apparently there has been a security feature added by Internet Explorer that is blocking it. If you have another browser like Mozilla Firefox or Netscape, it seems to be working fine. If I find out a way to fix this I will let you know. Please feel free to email any comments you may want to make to my home email and if you don't know it then you can use 4my2qtpa2ts@gmail.com.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
New banner.....What do you think?
Hi there everyone...anyone....I have been so slack in the posting department lately that any readers that I had are probably gone but here goes...I had a crazy, mad, boomer of a headache yesterday and as you know 2 kids plus one headache equals one miserable momma! Kids just don't care that you are sick, they want what they want and they want it now! I did get some relief once daddy came home and took them outside and I put a dark cloth over my eyes with a ice pack on it just to make my face cool and lay quietly on the couch for about an hour. Man, that helped a bit. My sweetie also brought home a refill of a prescription decongestant to help get the pressure off my sinuses. That was good too. I am almost back to feeling human again today. We watched a movie last night that had great reviews...but not by us! It was "Atonement" and I expected it to be good but was very disappointed. I do not recommend this one. The kids have a movie coming today and I expect it to be here a while as it is a very good one, "The Bee Movie". We saw it a few weeks ago when the cousins brought it over. Speaking of the cousins....my kiddos are missing their cousins, we haven't seen them in a couple of weeks and that is just too long. Hopefully we will see them soon....HINT! HINT! We need to go to BG with them before all the kids get out of school and it gets packed. We are really hoping that they move closer to us soon. We also are hoping that my other BIL and future SIL move closer to us too. That would be great to have family so close by.
My DH's work has calmed down a little this week so he isn't working at home as much which is great. He says that it still is pretty stressful in the office though. Well, that is all the updating I have for now. Hope your week is going great!!!
My DH's work has calmed down a little this week so he isn't working at home as much which is great. He says that it still is pretty stressful in the office though. Well, that is all the updating I have for now. Hope your week is going great!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Finally recovered?....and some exciting news!
My friend Doodlemom had it right! I was too tired from our Friday trip to BG to blog until today....that and the fact that my hubby was sick with a cold and in need of "Mommy's" attention. You know how guys can be when they are sick. The kids and I went to the local amusement park on Friday with my BFF from high school and her family plus some of the sweetest friends you would ever meet. There were 7 adults and 8 kids and apparently all of us were interchangeable. It was great to see that there are still some 11 year old boys left in the world than can be respectful and sweet enough to help take care of younger little annoying GIRLS! Both of those sweet boys helped with my 5 year old and did not complain a bit (if they did, I totally missed it!). They let her follow them around and took her on several rides and also spent their own money to buy her a little stuffed wolf. I think my girl may have even developed a mini crush on both of them. Not only that but I got to spend time with my oldest and dearest friend (and I don't mean oldest as in age, just in length of friendship!). Her friends were so wonderful. They were so kind and gave me a lot of help with my two kids (since I had the two youngest kids and I was the only one without a husband there to help out.). We were there from a little after opening to a little after closing and the kids barely made it to the van until they crashed hard. My little man got his face painted and the first thing he did when he woke up on Saturday was run to the bathroom to make sure his dragon mask was still there. It was too since he was sleeping so hard when I got home that I did not want to wake him up to wash his face. He was so mad at me when I did finally hold him down to wash it off late in the afternoon on Sat.
Ok, now hold onto your hats girls, here is my exciting news! A few weeks ago my peep, Scrappy D who lives in Florgia (Her own name she gave to the small town in Georgia that is just a stone's throw from Florida) sent out an email telling us of a "Cropping Cruise" that left Port Canaveral for a 4 day Bahama cruise in October of this year. I thought for sure that my DH would say that it was a big NEGATORY (and he did, at first), but when it became obvious that several of the peeps were planning to go AND I played the "The crop is just one week before my 40th (UGH!) birthday and it would make a great present!" card, he agreed to let me go. I still held off on mentioning it until now because it was hard to get everyone together to work out the registering details until Scrappy D took charge and handled it for us. THANK YOU SCRAPPY D!!!!
So now we are all registered and looking forward to a week with the girls!!! We have even got The OCD to swallow her fears of cruising and seasickness and she is going to give it a try!!! YEAH!! So it is going to be me, The OCD, Baby Duck (trying out her little ducky webbed feet in the Carribean), Scrappy D and ....ok she doesn't have a gangsta scrappa name but if she is going to keep coming with us on our getaways (which we are so happy that she is), she is going to need a name.....let's see....how about the Mac Daddy M or....Iced Coffee (you know, like the rapper Iced T except we like coffee...)...Ok girls, we need name!!! Anyway its the 4 of us from here and then 3 more in Florgia that are going and possibly one more (Oh please Lil' K, say that you are giving up your future career in health care to come with us!). I am so looking forward to this!!!!
Well that is all the updating I have for today. I know I have been kind of slack lately with my bloggin' . Hope you are still bothering to check in on me!!!
Have a blessed day!
Ok, now hold onto your hats girls, here is my exciting news! A few weeks ago my peep, Scrappy D who lives in Florgia (Her own name she gave to the small town in Georgia that is just a stone's throw from Florida) sent out an email telling us of a "Cropping Cruise" that left Port Canaveral for a 4 day Bahama cruise in October of this year. I thought for sure that my DH would say that it was a big NEGATORY (and he did, at first), but when it became obvious that several of the peeps were planning to go AND I played the "The crop is just one week before my 40th (UGH!) birthday and it would make a great present!" card, he agreed to let me go. I still held off on mentioning it until now because it was hard to get everyone together to work out the registering details until Scrappy D took charge and handled it for us. THANK YOU SCRAPPY D!!!!
So now we are all registered and looking forward to a week with the girls!!! We have even got The OCD to swallow her fears of cruising and seasickness and she is going to give it a try!!! YEAH!! So it is going to be me, The OCD, Baby Duck (trying out her little ducky webbed feet in the Carribean), Scrappy D and ....ok she doesn't have a gangsta scrappa name but if she is going to keep coming with us on our getaways (which we are so happy that she is), she is going to need a name.....let's see....how about the Mac Daddy M or....Iced Coffee (you know, like the rapper Iced T except we like coffee...)...Ok girls, we need name!!! Anyway its the 4 of us from here and then 3 more in Florgia that are going and possibly one more (Oh please Lil' K, say that you are giving up your future career in health care to come with us!). I am so looking forward to this!!!!
Well that is all the updating I have for today. I know I have been kind of slack lately with my bloggin' . Hope you are still bothering to check in on me!!!
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Yardwork STINKS!
Why do I care! Why do I do this each year? It is such a chore and I always say that I am going to cut back on the flowerbeds and just forget about it. I just can't seem to contain my anal tendencies and every year I tackle it all over again just so my yard looks nice. I got out there today again with the kids and trimmed back all the bushes and picked up all the debris and then started cutting the grass and while my DH finished it (I think a little perturbed that I started bagging it so he had to keep that little task up), I did some more weeding in the front yard. Sounds like a fun day, huh?
Then we had dinner and those same kids that went outside nice and clean had come back in just downright STINKY. They had to get bathes and all that fun stuff. Now I am finally kicked back in my recliner watching some TV and chillin'. YEAH!
Thanks for stopping by to hear about our day, hope yours was great too!
Then we had dinner and those same kids that went outside nice and clean had come back in just downright STINKY. They had to get bathes and all that fun stuff. Now I am finally kicked back in my recliner watching some TV and chillin'. YEAH!
Thanks for stopping by to hear about our day, hope yours was great too!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Back in the trenches yet again.....
What a way to get back into the swing of schooling my kids. I have one that has a bladder infection and one that is yet again, let us say...backed up...Actually this is a self-inflicted predicament for my boy. He has decided that he will allow nothing "out"...ever! His daddy and I see him doing this but his muscles "there" are strong and we have a hard time making him relax. So I could say it was just another normal day in "Snoozerville" but we are actually in "Pottyville" this week. My girl is already starting to feel more normal which is a blessing. The pediatrician recommended a daily dose of powdered Miralax be added to the boy's juice to make it more difficult for him to continue with his new power trip. Apparently this is a very common thing for kiddos that they see often.
We did try getting back into the swing of school today even with all the drama. My girl was thrilled with it....NOT! I kept hearing "Do we have to do this?" "Can't I have just one more day?" "I don't want to read, its not fun!" and from my boy, "Go see Amnimals!". I really just wanted to throw my hands up and say fine, lets go! But we do have plans again this Friday to spend the day with another of my BFFs and her family. The kids are getting so spoiled with all this running around. They think we are suppose to be running the roads everyday now.
Well, thats whats going on with us. Thanks for checking in!
We did try getting back into the swing of school today even with all the drama. My girl was thrilled with it....NOT! I kept hearing "Do we have to do this?" "Can't I have just one more day?" "I don't want to read, its not fun!" and from my boy, "Go see Amnimals!". I really just wanted to throw my hands up and say fine, lets go! But we do have plans again this Friday to spend the day with another of my BFFs and her family. The kids are getting so spoiled with all this running around. They think we are suppose to be running the roads everyday now.
Well, thats whats going on with us. Thanks for checking in!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Flowering the weed garden......
It is that lovely time of the year where I haul my aging body outside and get down on my hands and knees and begin weeding the flowerbeds to get them ready for some flowers and then mulch.
This year the weeds are so heavy and thick that I have dreaded it for weeks and have actually been glad that the weekends were rainy so I had an excuse not to get out there. Today however, it is a lovely warm Spring morning here in Snoozerville and I have run out of excuses (other than the fact that my back and knees will barely survive the strain). So this morning, I am contemplating getting out there. It would actually be so much easier just to let the weeds go and just yank up the few flowers that have come back from last year......(hence, my title), but that would not be as satisfactory in the long run. My girl and her daddy and uncle are off to another all day swim meet. Her last one of the season. She had to be 45mins away from home at 6:30 this morning, therefore, her mother and brother opted to stay home this time. Actually, I did not feel it was a good idea to haul my boy out of bed at 5:30 am just to go and sit around in a room for 6 to 8 hours (this is a regional finals meet so it is a seriously long one). Here at home, he can watch a movie or two, go outside and play (while momma is weeding) and take a nap (if he does). Ok, guess I have stalled long enough.....have a great weekend!
This year the weeds are so heavy and thick that I have dreaded it for weeks and have actually been glad that the weekends were rainy so I had an excuse not to get out there. Today however, it is a lovely warm Spring morning here in Snoozerville and I have run out of excuses (other than the fact that my back and knees will barely survive the strain). So this morning, I am contemplating getting out there. It would actually be so much easier just to let the weeds go and just yank up the few flowers that have come back from last year......(hence, my title), but that would not be as satisfactory in the long run. My girl and her daddy and uncle are off to another all day swim meet. Her last one of the season. She had to be 45mins away from home at 6:30 this morning, therefore, her mother and brother opted to stay home this time. Actually, I did not feel it was a good idea to haul my boy out of bed at 5:30 am just to go and sit around in a room for 6 to 8 hours (this is a regional finals meet so it is a seriously long one). Here at home, he can watch a movie or two, go outside and play (while momma is weeding) and take a nap (if he does). Ok, guess I have stalled long enough.....have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Its a Zoo out there....
Hope you had a great day too!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Another movie review.....

Anyway, today's review is about this movie "Becoming Jane". Now just to give you a bit of knowledge about me, I was quite the bookworm for years and loved the historical romance novels like Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and stuff like that. They weren't trashy romance novels (I read my share of those too back when I dreamed of a dashing knight in shining armor before I realized that the reality of that was that they mostly just war hungry bad boys with anger management issues) Anyway, back to the movie!
This movie was in my opinion, one of the best movies I have seen in a while. It was definitely a chic flick but it was wonderful! I loved it. I actually cried which all you girls know, is the sign of a wonderful girl's movie! It was a romance but it was really clean and sweet except for one really quick male "heinie" shot when two of the guys went skinny dipping.
That is all for today. Hope you all have a blessed day!
Monday, April 7, 2008
We bought a new home!
We bought a new house! It will be ready soon. It is double the original square footage so there will be plenty of room! I am so excited. It was more expensive and will cost more to take care of but if the occupant is happy, that's what matters.....Yes I did say occupant in the singular form.....Why? You ask....well because only one of us gets to actually "live" in it. No, my family is not splitting up!
The new home is for Brownie! His first home is just getting too small for our growing piggy. So Brownie is "Movin on up.....to the east side...to a Deeeeeluxe apartment in the Sky eye eye...." (blast from the past! Yes I was a fan of The Jefferson's) I ordered his new cage online from Petco.com. My dd and I drove to the closest one which is about 45 mins. away on Saturday and they did not have anything as nice as this one on line and the price for this one was great and had free shipping! While there though, my girl made a new friend that she named Vanillie (my daughter is not terribly imaginative in the name department, I am sad to say). It was a sweet little baby piggy that was (you guessed it) a creamy color with a small patch of black around one eye and a small patch of light brown on one ear. She fell in love and was very sad to hear that mommy was not going to bring another piggy into our family and definitely not a girl. For those of you that need it spelled out....One male Brownie + One female Vanillie = approximately 8 baby tanny, creamy, blackie, whitey.....you get the picture? That and one mommy who will never take a breath without sneezing again.
Other than that, our weekend was relatively uneventful, but we have big plans for this week with our buddies IF the weather decides to cooperate. It seems to have rained here forever and the ONLY time we get nice weather is when we have no plans. The weekends have been just terrible lately as far as being cold but some of the weekdays have been nice and warm.
Thanks for stopping by!
The new home is for Brownie! His first home is just getting too small for our growing piggy. So Brownie is "Movin on up.....to the east side...to a Deeeeeluxe apartment in the Sky eye eye...." (blast from the past! Yes I was a fan of The Jefferson's) I ordered his new cage online from Petco.com. My dd and I drove to the closest one which is about 45 mins. away on Saturday and they did not have anything as nice as this one on line and the price for this one was great and had free shipping! While there though, my girl made a new friend that she named Vanillie (my daughter is not terribly imaginative in the name department, I am sad to say). It was a sweet little baby piggy that was (you guessed it) a creamy color with a small patch of black around one eye and a small patch of light brown on one ear. She fell in love and was very sad to hear that mommy was not going to bring another piggy into our family and definitely not a girl. For those of you that need it spelled out....One male Brownie + One female Vanillie = approximately 8 baby tanny, creamy, blackie, whitey.....you get the picture? That and one mommy who will never take a breath without sneezing again.
Other than that, our weekend was relatively uneventful, but we have big plans for this week with our buddies IF the weather decides to cooperate. It seems to have rained here forever and the ONLY time we get nice weather is when we have no plans. The weekends have been just terrible lately as far as being cold but some of the weekdays have been nice and warm.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
If I have to watch this movie one more time.....

My kids have fallen in love with Alvin and the Chipmunks. You know that Netflix thing about keep a movie as long as you want with no late charges....yeah well....I don't know when they will get this one back. My daughter is walking around saying "The Luv....Doctor...boom chica wow wow, chica wow wow...." That won't go over too well at church on Sunday, I would bet! My son keeps saying "ALVIN!!!!! ......OooooKAY!!!!" That is not too bad. Its a cute movie the first 40 or 50 times you watch it but those last 500 are just torture! My daughter even wants to watch the outtakes.
Can the powers that be please release another kids movie soon!!!! If it doesn't leave soon, Brownie will be singing "I told the witch doctor I was in love with you.....And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do, he said Ooo, Eeee, Ooo, Aah, Aah, Ching, Chang, Walla Walla Bing Bang..... or even worse, I might find him in the dish washer taking a shower and singing "Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?...." OH,Lord, please let it be Brownie and not my kids!!!!
It has been a relatively uneventful week in our household. Too uneventful! No painting progress being made by the man. None....Nada...Nyit....I even painted one wall just to encourage some painting activity and still nothing.....But in his defense he is being stressed at work so.....
After my Sunday at the ER with back pain, I didn't want to try too much myself so....that one wall is really nice......
Hope you are having a great week!
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My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood
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Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....
- Many have wondered how close the tornadoes were to...
- Update on my boy
- Have I ever mentioned how much I hate vomit?
- Me Time.....
- FYI Alert! Are you having a problem posting comme...
- New banner.....What do you think?
- Finally recovered?....and some exciting news!
- Yardwork STINKS!
- Back in the trenches yet again.....
- Flowering the weed garden......
- Its a Zoo out there....
- Another movie review.....
- We bought a new home!
- If I have to watch this movie one more time.....