Thursday, April 24, 2008

New banner.....What do you think?

Hi there everyone...anyone....I have been so slack in the posting department lately that any readers that I had are probably gone but here goes...I had a crazy, mad, boomer of a headache yesterday and as you know 2 kids plus one headache equals one miserable momma! Kids just don't care that you are sick, they want what they want and they want it now! I did get some relief once daddy came home and took them outside and I put a dark cloth over my eyes with a ice pack on it just to make my face cool and lay quietly on the couch for about an hour. Man, that helped a bit. My sweetie also brought home a refill of a prescription decongestant to help get the pressure off my sinuses. That was good too. I am almost back to feeling human again today. We watched a movie last night that had great reviews...but not by us! It was "Atonement" and I expected it to be good but was very disappointed. I do not recommend this one. The kids have a movie coming today and I expect it to be here a while as it is a very good one, "The Bee Movie". We saw it a few weeks ago when the cousins brought it over. Speaking of the kiddos are missing their cousins, we haven't seen them in a couple of weeks and that is just too long. Hopefully we will see them soon....HINT! HINT! We need to go to BG with them before all the kids get out of school and it gets packed. We are really hoping that they move closer to us soon. We also are hoping that my other BIL and future SIL move closer to us too. That would be great to have family so close by.
My DH's work has calmed down a little this week so he isn't working at home as much which is great. He says that it still is pretty stressful in the office though. Well, that is all the updating I have for now. Hope your week is going great!!!


Darleen said...

as you know some of the pics don't show up at work and your banner is one of them, so I will have to check it out later. But I am sorry to hear about your headache, you know that I can SO relate. But I am glad that you are feeling better. I am finding that I heating pad on my head has started to help with me.

Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

I too used to use the cold pack for my headaches until a friend started heating this corn filled bag in the microwave and placing in on my forehead. She said the heat actually causes the muscles and vessels and stuff (real technical huh) to relax and the cold causes them to tense or constrict - which we always thought the opposite because of ice packs on injuries. Boy did the heat help the headaches tho....just my 2 cents 2day

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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