Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Yardwork STINKS!

Why do I care! Why do I do this each year? It is such a chore and I always say that I am going to cut back on the flowerbeds and just forget about it. I just can't seem to contain my anal tendencies and every year I tackle it all over again just so my yard looks nice. I got out there today again with the kids and trimmed back all the bushes and picked up all the debris and then started cutting the grass and while my DH finished it (I think a little perturbed that I started bagging it so he had to keep that little task up), I did some more weeding in the front yard. Sounds like a fun day, huh?
Then we had dinner and those same kids that went outside nice and clean had come back in just downright STINKY. They had to get bathes and all that fun stuff. Now I am finally kicked back in my recliner watching some TV and chillin'. YEAH!
Thanks for stopping by to hear about our day, hope yours was great too!

1 comment:

Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

are you so worn out from BG that youc can't blog? What are your adoring fans supposed to do for entertainment? lol

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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