Friday, April 25, 2008

FYI Alert! Are you having a problem posting comments on my blog?

Hi guys! It has been brought to my attention by my SIL and one of my peeps that some people can not post comments on my blog or even click on the comments to read what other people have said. I have not done anything new to my blog to cause this and after some research (thanks to my SIL) it has something to do with which internet browser you are using. Apparently there has been a security feature added by Internet Explorer that is blocking it. If you have another browser like Mozilla Firefox or Netscape, it seems to be working fine. If I find out a way to fix this I will let you know. Please feel free to email any comments you may want to make to my home email and if you don't know it then you can use

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I'm not having any problems!! Love the new banner and colors. Then again, pink and brown are my FAVES!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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