Saturday, April 26, 2008

Me Time.....

Its 11:30 pm on Saturday night. Everyone is gone to bed. The dishwasher is running and its just ME! I have a glass of tea (decaf), my laptop and I am having Me time. Today has been a crazy one. We got up early, and I did some quick cleaning and made the beds and did some laundry. Then we went to Lowes for some household stuff and yard stuff. Afterwards my dh went one way and the kids and I went back home for some lunch and to begin working on the flower beds. We were expecting my sweet niece and nephews and their mommy later so the kids were just dying for 4:00 to get here. Meanwhile the little girl across the street came over (again after inviting herself) and played with my kids, constantly asking to go inside to play instead. I finally had a good excuse to take her back home when my SIL got here. Then we had a completely wonderful madhouse until just about 10:30 when they left and we got the kids to bed. Now everything is picked up and the house is QUIET and I am just loving the ME time.
I just love my niece and nephews. They are such great kids and my kids adore them. It is such a joy whenever they get together and just play and laugh. They very rarely fight or argue until it just gets so late that everyone is getting a little grumpy. But even then, no one is ready to say goodbye. As a matter of fact, they draw it out as long as possible.
Well that was our day, Hope yours was a great one too!


Hartman said...

Good for you Tracey!!! Enjoy every little moment you get!!

Lorrie said...

sounds like a good day! I love my ME time too girl!!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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