Friday, June 20, 2008

Furry babysitting....

Ok, you know how I wanted a dog? That desire has now left....My furry nephew came for a visit while his parents are on a trip. My girl has been counting the days for three months now for this visit. He always seemed so calm when he visited before but I have found out that this was because he was intimidated by the new place. Once he got comfortable with his surroundings last night and the kids were in bed....Sammy decided to show is true spazzed out, hyper puppy personality. He was all over my husband and I trying to entice us to play with him. He was yapping and doing everything in his power for some serious playtime. This morning he is back to his normal self, I think the kids overwhelm him so he stays pretty calm but when its just the adults, he decides that its his time to play. I have now lost the urge for a puppy. Its kind of like when you finally get your kids past the point of infancy and when you hold a baby, you want another one but then you actually babysit for a while and realize, its nice to send them home.....It the same way with puppysitting. Anyway, I think I will be ready for my sis and BIL to come and get him on Tuesday.

Did I mention that next week is a busy one for us? We have Vacation Bible School at church all week, we have swim practice at night on Tues and Thurs, we have Sammy until Tuesday, we are trying to squeeze in a Water park visit with the peeps and we have a birthday party for my nephew on Saturday and another commitment on Sunday....Busy Busy!!! It will be fun for the kiddos though, THEY like running all over the place all week long. I am sure I will be dragging by the weekend. I am planning on a slow, quiet weekend this week to build my strength for the upcoming week. Hope you have a great one!!!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

whew! busy week! and I totally get you on the dog/baby thing. I sometimes think i'd like a pup, but then change my mind as soon as I see someone else dealing with puppy training, boarding, needing to make arrangements for someone to let them out, etc.
Same thing for babies. I love my niece, and adore holding her, yet couldn't imagine starting over myself.....

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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