Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Timer, The Spiderman and The Bathroom.....Day 2 of the Chronicles of Pottyville

Well, today is day 2 of potty training.....Day one? a big fat bust! We went through 8 pair of undies and I have more wet spots on my carpet than if we had a whole litter of puppies in residence. I set the timer but we NEVER made it to the alarm before he was either wet or worse....I have never seen any child "go" as often as my boy! We NEVER once got a drop in the actual potty! Of course he drinks like a fish but still..... He did come to me every single time to let me know. He would say, I got to go potty! but he had already gone. The timer was set for 30 mins yesterday....maybe 10 or 15 would be better and we can move up as we go.....I don't know but in case you wondered what I am doing today? Laundry, Laundry and more Laundry.....I am spot cleaning the carpet until the weekend and then will haul out the shampooer. If this timer thing doesn't start showing some results, I will have to sit him on the potty and make him sit all day.....Yeah! THAT will happen. Anyway, that is the update on the potty front....

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

you could always sit the tv in front of him while he's on the potty. Except for the fact that his butt will fall asleep, (not that I know that from experience- hehe) he should be just fine. LOL!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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