Friday, March 28, 2008


I don't know why I am glad its Friday because as a stay at home mom, its the same as every other day and tomorrow is just the same but I guess what makes it special is that my DH will be home for two days and the kids will have another adult to focus on instead of me. One thing about staying at home and teaching your own kids, is that they expect everything from you. You are their friend, their playmate, their teacher, their healer, their momma....You are needed for everything from breakfast in the morning, all the way to nightmares in the middle of the night and everything in between. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time playing with toys now than I did as a child. My daughter and son have me playing with everything from dolls and tea parties to cars and dinosaurs.
I love being here to do it but look forward to sharing the load with daddy on the weekends.

Right now my daughter has on a dog costume and has a dog tea party set up and is waiting for me to join. My son is not feeling well today so he is clingier than usual, if that is possible. I am trying to convince her that Brownie does not need (or want!!) to join our tea party. I created a monster when I made my Brownzilla posts. She now wants to take pictures of him in every possible scenario and on all of her toys.

Well, my dh promises me that he will spackle (is that what its called?) the walls tonight. I have been threatening to do it myself but he has a 5 gallon bucket of the stuff (left over from when he drywalled the garage) and it needs to be stirred well with this beater attachment that goes on a drill and I just don't want to get into his "STUFF" and he has told me that I can't (not that I will let that stop me if he doesn't start it tonight). We have the paint and should be able to get started tomorrow. The new curtains I ordered didn't work for me so I took those back so I am looking for some more. I am planning on just going with valances again. I would have to worry about the kids pulling down drapes or anything full-length and having them dry cleaned would be costly. So hopefully by the end of the weekend, I will have a freshly painted downstairs.

I hope you all have great weekends!


Lorrie said...

have fun at the doggie tea party. lol.
Oh, and hope the DH gets to spackling soon....
So hard to get them moving sometimes huh?
Talk to you soon!

Hartman said...

You didn't end up liking your curtains...what was wrong?

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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