Monday, March 31, 2008

No rest for the weary....

I am so tired today. I woke up at midnight last night and was up all night. That would be okay if I did not have two live wires running me ragged today. I am so sleepy that I am cross eyed, LOL.
I am trying to just keep moving, so far today I have washed, dried and put away 2 loads of laundry, sorted through some of the kids clothes to pull out the too small stuff, made all the beds, did some dishes, ran the vacuum and my girl and I did part of our schoolwork for the day. But when I sit down....I feel myself crashing. Right now as I type this, my eyes keep rolling back in my head and I feel like I am going to nod off. I better get moving again soon.
I had to take a pain pill last night for my back and instead of having the affect it does on most people, which is drowsiness, it does the opposite and makes me wired. It is like I have drank a pot of coffee, right before bedtime. The bad part is that I am still tired and sleepy, just unable too.
Well, I better get running again cause if the natives sense a weakness, they'll pounce.....Pray for me!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

ok, so here's to hoping that your back didn't hurt last night, that you DIDN'T need a pain pill, and that you got a good night's sleep last night!!!!!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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