Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Foggy weather = foggy brain?

It is so foggy here this morning! I looked outside and could not even see our shed in the backyard.
My brain is also feeling sort of foggy this morning too. I can't even talk in complete sentences. Is this just a temporary thing or am I showing early signs of Oldtimers or Hoffeimers or whatever that thing is called? Maybe its all the blonde hair coloring I have done over the years...maybe it has finally penetrated my thick skull..? I don't know but it sure is foggy in there.

My DD and I started school back in the beginning of August and we finished her "official" kindergarten curriculum back in Feb/Mar. So we have just been doing some reviewing and a little bit of first grade stuff for a while now. Today is going to be one of those days that she learns through playing. She got a marble race kit for her birthday and has really gotten good at building different setups for it and letting the marbles run through it. I figure this is a really good way for her to build her thinking skills. She is also going to have to read to me, so all in all, that is her school day for today.

Hope you have a great day!


Darleen said...

hey girlie!! get your head out of the fog!! you need a beach day!!

Lorrie said...

that marble game sounds fun! I wanna play. And I can totally relate to the foggy headedness...

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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