Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to my baby boy!!!!

Today is my son's 3rd birthday. He is growing up so fast and becoming quite the typical little rough and tumble boy. Yesterday he was outside with his cousins and sister trying to keep up with the older ones and having a blast and now today he is staying at home with momma and being his normal sweet little baby boy self, cuddling and totally happy just hangin with me and chillin'. He is such a blessing to his momma (and his daddy too but he is definitely a momma's boy right now.). We celebrated his birthday last weekend in a joint family party for both of them but it was nice having the cousins over again this Saturday to play again. A little like another party for him.

Today has been one of those off days for me. I was all thumbs this morning. I kept dropping stuff and somehow bumped my coffee pot while it was brewing and knocked the pot off the coffee maker and counter and splattered it all over me and the floor. Fortunately, it is a metal pot so it survived but the clean up was a mess. I had to change pj bottoms, clean my slightly burnt feet, wipe the cabinets, clean the floor and it seemed to spray everywhere and then clean the coffee maker and remake the coffee. Once I remade the coffee, I got out the flavored creamer and guessed it, dropped it too. It splattered everywhere too. I had a serious case of the dropsies. I was almost afraid to drink my coffee in case it happened again.

Fortunately, I seem to have kicked that this afternoon and haven't dropped anything.
Anyway, that has been my day. My baby girl went home with the cousins last night for another sleepover so she should be home soon. I miss her when she is gone but it sure is a lot quieter here without her. My boy even took a nap so it was really quiet for about 1 1/2 hours. He never does that anymore but without Sissy, he is so laid back that he got quiet enough to doze off.
Hope you are having a great Memorial day weekend too!

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