Monday, February 4, 2008

All Hail the New York Giants!!

This is what we were forced to say last night as we enter the home of "The Mean One" and my sweet SIL. We were told on no uncertain terms that we were there to cheer for his team, the New York Giants, and if we could not do this, leave the food and GET OUT!!! Isn't that lovely. My BIL put on his Giant's jersey with some dude named Shucky, Shockey, or Shooey , something like that, on the back along with a knit cap (IN THE HOUSE!) and forced each and everyone of his three kids to dress in a similar nature. The poor little baby of the family had to have on that same old, Snoopy, Soupy, Spooky, whatever that guys name is, jersey as his dad. We had some yummy chili, baked potatoes, and homemade cornbread. We also had THE BEST chicken wings in the state, LOL, just kidding! I made those. The kids had an absolute blast with the cousins and I found out that my brain age is 33. That is a relief because I seriously thought it was more like 83.
My memory has been a little sad lately.
We didn't even get home until 11:30 and the kids got a second wind and I don't know when they actually feel asleep because we put them to bed and crashed around midnight but they were still
giggling in there.
Did they sleep in? NO WAY! Both were up this morning by 7:30. We have had a short school day today due to everyone being tired. The girl is crashed out up in my bed as I type and the little man has just woke up and bounding with energy. He is watching "Go Diego Go" and in the middle of an animal rescue with our little Hispanic friend. He loves Diego and Dora (and so does momma). My DH finally stepped up to the plate yesterday and almost all the Christmas boxes put up in the shed. The tree is still in the garage because he did not have time to rearrange things to make room for it yesterday before we left. What a busy weekend. Saturday was an all day event with a swim meet (my DD got another 1st place, we think) and then went to get groceries. Tiring weekend.

1 comment:

Darleen said...

Can you imagine his mood if they had Lost!??? It sounds like you had a great weekend! We were supposed to go to a super bowl party @ my friend's house, who has Patriot panties, she won't even talk about the super bowl!! talk to you later!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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