Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hypo-allergenic dog?

There have been a couple mentions about getting a hypo-allergenic dog but I asked the Allergy specialist and she said that there is no such thing. I told her I had heard that there were dogs with less dander and therefore less likely to cause an allergic reaction and she said that this was a myth. Some dogs do have less of an odor and less dander but if a person is allergic to dogs they are allergic to all dogs. I still wonder if she would be less allergic to a yorkie-poo or a poodle or something with hair and not fur but my DH isn't willing to take the chance because if we got attached and she was allergic, it would be so hard to get rid of it. Believe me, that was my first thought too because I too have heard of hypo-allergenic dogs.

1 comment:

Creative cakes by Deanslaw said...

ok, obviously I didn't read your blog for a few days and emailed you before I read it! LOL still worth "testing" tho

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