Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hump Day!

Only two more days til my weekend "away" with my peeps. I have been a missing peep but they are still kind enough to call me one anyway. I am looking forward to it. This time we are only traveling about 30 mins. away to our crop but it is still away since I will not see my husband and kids from Friday til early Sunday evening. My wonderful SIL has agreed to watch the munchkins on Friday afternoon and they are looking forward to time with their cousins. The other girls are heading up early for some shopping and fun before the crop starts and I will be joining them at around 12:30.
This week has been a lazy one around here. We have done school and not much more, therefore, not much to blog about. Seems like the only times my kids are doing really funny things are when they are getting into trouble and they have been amazingly good lately. Guess, that is good news for me and bad news for my blogging material. I was told by my peep Lil'K yesterday that I could borrow some of her experiences to blog about but I just think....NAH...gots to be real, ya know.
Actually she has three boys and they are all older so it just wouldn't be believable or I might try it. I almost thought about making up stories about my kids but that may make it hard to find a babysitter if I ever need NAH!! You guys are just going to have to wait til something funny happens in my household.
Oh and by the way, I have become a total fan of the show "The Office". It is just so hilariously inappropriate that I just have to count it as a guilty pleasure. I have now watch all of the first and second seasons on my laptop and whenever I can set aside 20 mins (that is how long an episode lasts without commercials) I am watching season 3. It is so stinkin funny. I even missed my soap opera (I know, I know, SINFUL, but it is another guilty pleasure) General Hospital the last two nights to watch "The Office" on my computer. We are expecting a new batch of movies from NetFlix today, so I guess I will have to finish season 3 later. We are getting "Beowulf", "The Game Plan" and "Barbie: Mariposa". Guess who the Barbie movie is for? Well, its not my girl....


Hartman said...

Have you seen Brave One? I liked that one....definitely not a comedy. Have a good time this weekend and be sure to share some of what you get done with me.

Darleen said...

i am going to miss you guys this weekend too.....have fun, but not too much fun!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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