Sunday, February 10, 2008

Movie Review!!!

We just watched "Wild Hogs" this evening and let me say, it was a hoot! We laughed and laughed. Nothing more funny than 4 biker wannabee, 40 something suburban husbands out for a recover your youth road trip. We just thought it was hilarious. Definitely a movie for us middle age folks.
Some of the language was a bit rough and there were a little to many "gay" references for my liking but an enjoyable comedy none the less. Loving this NetFlix membership!!! We have seen more movies in the last three weeks than in the last 3 years. By the way, "The Notebook"....LOVED IT.
(and so did my DH or so he said). I could however pass on my daughter's newest favorite, THANK GOD we just rented it 'cause it's going back tomorrow, "How To Eat Fried Worms". So disgusting, I can even tell you how much but the kids LOVED it!! Well, I have officially blogged twice today so forgive me for missing so many days in a row.
Well, off to bed for this tired girl.


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, my DH really liked the movie The Notebook. Target had it on sale the other week and I picked it up for a future gift.

Darleen said...

i love Wild Hogs too. Its one of my favs, John Travolta is great in that!!!

Lorrie said...

So funny, dh and I just watched Wild Hogs last night!!!!! It was a funny movie!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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