Friday, February 29, 2008

Bloggin' break for peeps weekend

Well, today is the day!! I feel like SpongeBob singing "Its the best day e....ver....." Just kidding but not really, LOL. I haven't even packed yet, isn't that unorganized? I have gotten pretty good at it in the last 7 years. I use to just pack for me, then in 99, I had to pack for DH too, then in 2001, my DB came to live with us, then 2002 came my girl and 2005, my boy. So now I pack for 5 people each time. So just packing for one is a piece of cake. All the laundry is caught up so its easy-peasy.

My peeps have all purchased essential cropping supplies.....tons of candy. Not only did they buy it but sounds like most of it was purchased from Sams, Costco or BJ's (another warehouse type place) so I am sure they are huge bags! I have purchased nothing yet but I am getting salty stuff to break it up a bit. They have all taken their pictures to the local scrap book store and "power shopped" for each and every layout so that they are all co-ordinated and ready to crop. I'm just going to do a fly by the seat of my pants kind of thing. Can you tell that I am there for the company more than the cropping? I do have pictures and supplies but nothing like what they have planned. Its okay though, they love me anyway.....I think.

Well, better get packing, so to speak....well, for real that is....the kids are so ready to head to the party SIL's. My DH is so ready to be a single dad for the weekend....well maybe not but TOUGH!!! I'm outta here! I'm blowing this pop stand! See ya later alligators, after while crocodiles!

Oh, and have a great weekend!!!!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

hehehe. loved this post! You got a lot of scrapping done this trip for someone who was so unprepared!!!!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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