Thursday, February 28, 2008

Can anyone explain....

When did I become a shut-in? It occurred to me that in the last 7 days, I have only left my home twice (not counting going to the mailbox or trash can). I went to Walmart for groceries on Monday and to the Library (for an hour) on Tuesday but otherwise I have not left my home. Is it the weather? Is it my kids? Am I becoming an agoraphobe? I don't know.

I just think about going out and it just seems like more trouble than its worth. It means I have to rush through our school day, rush around getting my daily chores done (like vacuuming, making beds, doing my daily load of laundry and straightening up), spend extra time after my shower getting presentable for public (my kids could care less what I look like so....), getting the kids dressed and my dd's hair presentable, getting their stuff together (not as big a job as it use to be but my ds still needs juice and diapers when we go out), and driving the minimum of 20 mins. to get anywhere worth mentioning (since we live out in the boonies). This just isn't worth it to me unless I have something definite that I need to do.

I used to get out almost every day of the week when it was just my dd and me. We would go to the mall and stroll around just by ourselves if no one else could join us. We would meet up with friends for lunch and all kinds of fun stuff. When my ds came along, it became more work but when he was still a baby, it wasn't too bad because he was so good, I just had to contend with his sister acting up. Now that they are both active and totally mobile, it is torture to take them shopping. If it is not something that is "kid friendly", I just shy away because I know where boredom takes them and its not a happy place.

So here I am, literally a stay AT HOME mom. But this weekend, tomorrow actually, I will get out and be kid-free! Am I looking forward to it? Oh YEAH! Will I miss my family? yes but its only 3 days and 2 nights so I'll survive....heck, I'll do more than survive, I will be having fun!!!
Right now, I need to go referee a fight, my dd says "He bumped his head.." that is codeword for "I just knocked him silly because he actually had the audacity to want to touch a toy"......Is it Friday yet?????


Hartman said...

The nerve of those little siblings wanting to play with toys too!!

Lorrie said...

We are just hours away girlfriend... hours.

Sometimes I would like to be a little bit more of a STAY AT HOME sahm.

But when it gets too just be too much, I start to back down and just stay at home and chill.

See you tomorrow!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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