Monday, December 10, 2007

Blissful silence.....

Its almost 11pm and the house is quiet. Everyone is asleep but me and it is wonderful not to have any demands being made on my time. The only noise is the clicking of the computer keys and the occasional squealing of little B. man. I have a sneaking suspicion that he is the culprit for my dd and I still being sick for almost 2 weeks. I at first thought it was a cold and now I suspect allergies. This is going to break my girls little heart, but if he is the culprit, he will have to go. I may consider suffering through it for myself but I can not allow her to be constantly relying on her inhaler just to breath without coughing. I really hope that we get some meds in the morning and once they are taken, the symptoms are gone for good. I am really bummed about missing my best girlfriend's annual cookie exchange brunch. I was looking forward to chatting and snacking with the girls. I have just written out 38 Christmas cards tonight and have about 25 more to do but no more tonight. I love letting people that we care about know that we are thinking of them and I love receiving their cards in return but it is a lot of work on top of all the other Christmas chores. It has become even more of a job since the kids came along because there is the picture taking and the processing and the notes of update for so many family. I will be glad to finish. We would have been making some cookies tonight for the exchange but I will postpone that until later in the week. I love Christmas so much, I especially love feeling the excitement in the kids including my niece and nephews. I love watching all the Christmas movies with my kids over and over and over and over.....(by the way, let me just say that in my opinion The Santa Clause 3, The Escape Clause, is the BEST one) Later this week, health permitting, we will be doing craft gifts with my SIL and the kids. We were going to do them last Friday but got so caught up in the shopping and spending time together, that we did not do them. I just realized that I'm rambling on like a to do list....Sorry. Well, lets just say its a busy but happy time of year. Have a great week.
God Bless


Lorrie said...

OH NO! I hope it's not allergies. But I sure do understand that. That's the reason we have no furry friends in our house.... it's so sad, i'd love to have a pet again.

Darleen said...

We will have to pick up the Santa Claus 3 because we haven't seen that one yet. We can't wait for the Chipmunks!!!!!! Hope your feeling better. P.S. Whose annual Christmas cookie exchange?????(JK) Darleen

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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