Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Ok, You are going to laugh. My morning started off well enough. My DH got up with the kids in the middle of the night, he heard our dd coughing and went to check on them and got caught. He crawled into bed with them and got them back to sleep. We all got up around 7:30 ish this morning and everyone was in a pretty good mood. They got their milk and I got my coffee. Everything was going great. Got a shower, got them ready and out the door. That's when things started going wrong. We were on our way to breakfast when we got caught in a bridge lift that lasted forever. We stayed on the bridge for over 30 mins with no boat or ship in sight. After that we were running about 20 mins. late for the breakfast but no problem. We pulled up in front of Lil K's house and got out and were standing on the front porch....Remember that movie, Parenthood? Steve Martin's character asked his son, you feel bad? You want to throw up? and the little boy says ok...BLAHHHHHHH!!!! Well, we reacted that scene with unbelievable accuracy. It was surreal. I told my friends, we won't be coming in. Thanks! We then got back in the van and went to the mall to see Santa. I know that seems kind of bad but I really suspected it was carsickness and not a bug but I did not want to take chances with my friends Christmases, one is on her way out of town to Disney this weekend. She was fine the rest of the day and had a blast. My friend gave us a sleeve of saltine crackers and she ate almost all of them before we got to the mall so I suspect she was just hungry but she did not want to eat before we left home and she has gotten carsick once before on a long drive. Other than that we had a great day.
Have a blessed day!


Lorrie said...

we missed you, but I'm glad that little bit is ok!!

Darleen said...

I remember the scene well, it was like out of poltergeist, Steve Martin was waiting (it was actually his daughter) for her head to spin. Parenthood is one of my favorite movies. I'm glad that she was just carsick and she got to see the Big S. P.S. I want you to know that my post of the day is not intended to upset you in any way. digi your heart out!!!!!!!!!!!

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


Dumb stuff I"ve said in the past.....

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