Saturday, December 22, 2007

The countdown is on.....

Good Morning everyone. As you can see from the pictures we did make our cookies and the Gingerbread house. I think it turned out well considering it was our first attempt and that there were many grubby little hands involved. I wouldn't mind getting another one just to do it by myself but that is my perfectionist tendencies coming out. We had fun with the cuzins yesterday and at my future SIL's house last evening. The kids were exhausted. On a positive not though, I have no reason to leave my home today to enter the madness of the Christmas shopping frenzy. I should be cleaning but so far, that is even too adventurous for my couch potato frame of mind today. My DH however seems to be in the mood to accomplish something because he is attempting to clean 15 year old mini-blinds and realizing that the dirt is what is holding them together. Sounds like he will be heading out to his place of choice, his home away from home....Home Depot. I have plans to bargain for the DP (Drama Princess) to have some daddy time and my sweet boy staying home to get a nap with, YOU GUESSED IT!!! MOMMY
I am still waiting on that elusive package from UPS. It says its ON TIME for 12/21 delivery but since it is 12/22, I'm so much on time as LATE!!!! My UPS buddy didn't even show up this morning at 8 either. Maybe he knows my husband is home, LOL. I thought I would send him to the door this morning. Well, be get going, the couch awaits.....
Have a blessed day!!!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

your gingerbread house is sooo cute!
I can't believe we didn't do one this year. the first time in 4 yrs we didn't!

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