Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No time to seriously blog this morning.....

My peep Lil K has invited us to breakfast this morning so I am in a hurry to get a shower but here are a few words. I am taking the kiddos to see Santa Claus today if they behave at the breakfast. They will be the only children there so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed (and praying). Santa is not a priority in our house but I do try to visit him every year and get a picture for as long as my girl will co operate. She lost another tooth last night. She is a cute little snaggle tooth.
Have a blessed day!!!

1 comment:

Darleen said...

I heard that Lil K got a big yucko greeting from your little snaggle tooth. I hope that she is doing okay and she's not sick, maybe just ate something that didn't agree. talk to you later

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