Thursday, December 20, 2007

Newly wrapped gifts under the tree....

Last night after the kids went to bed, I finally got some wrapping done. I don't normally wrap my kids stuff, its just placed under the tree on Christmas eve. We have in the past wrapped stuff from Santa and everything from Momma and Daddy was just there but for some reason this year, I wrapped a lot of stuff. This morning, the ever observant drama princess came down and said, Is it Christmas today?!! She and her sidekick were quite disappointed to learn that was not the case. She then asked if there was any scrap paper and proceeded to "wrap" a pile of her current toys and placed them under the tree. About an hour later she said " I think I will open some presents and proceeds to open them but little man did not realize this was all part of the game and proceeded to join in the festivities with gusto. He was dissapointed yet again this morning to learn that yet again, he was being denied the pleasure. He also had a big letdown when the UPS man showed up at 8 am with a package and he was told that he could not have it (he did see the 2 Lmax Leapsters in the box and got excited but since he does not talk that much or that clearly yet, he could not relay the excitement to the DP). I have a theory about my UPS man. He use to come in the evenings about 4 pm but about 3 weeks ago made a delivery about 8 am and "caught" me in my jammies, hair flying and the "sistas" set free. Every since that day, he shows up right at 8 am like clockwork. Now I know I'm just flattering myself that he is doing this on purpose almost 40 and more than a bit full-figured, it's my dream, I can make it as big as I want. He might have gotten a bit of a harsh blow yesterday though because the DP looked out the window when the door bell rung and yelled out "Mom! That guy with the brown truck and "GRAY" crazy hair is here again!!!!" He is a distinguished prematurely gray haired man and like most UPS guys is fairly good looking but to a 5 year old girl, that gray windblowned look isn't quite as impressive as it is to her mom. Anyway, sure hope my Sunday School teacher hasn't started reading my blog. Not that I have anything too risque in here but.... I have a signature line on all my email nowdays that says "Check out my blog". I am hoping he hasn't taken me up on it. Oh well, enough ramblings for today....Have a blessed day
5 more days!!!!!!


Lorrie said...

you are crazy!
Now you are hot over the UPS man?
You got some problems girlfriend!! lol!!!

gottablogmom said...

I did not say I was Hot over him!!!Its the other way around, LOL

My journey through the pitfalls of motherhood


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